Allergy Season Must-Haves

Okay friends, I've been dealing with a lingering sinus infection from allergies galore over here and I'm finally bringing in all the big guns and ways to combat it so it needs to be broken down in a post for you to reference! I hope it helps serve you well.

Young Living Check List:

  • Inner Defense

  • Thieves Chest Rub

  • Purification

  • RC (or Breathe Again)

  • NingXia Red

  • Thieves Cough Drops

  • Rose Ointment

Non YL Items:


  • This is going to be lengthy but hear me out and I promise you'll be feeling better in no time!

  • Inner Defense 3 times a day, triple up on those babies. You will be burping oregano and rosemary all day but I'd rather be pooping my pants and burping than not being able to breathe. 😆

  • Shower as often as you can throughout the day and add RC to the bottom to steam up. Make sure to do this at minimum 2x/day. While in the shower, add RC and Purification to the bridge of your nose neat then take a washcloth and drape it over your head and let the hot hot hot water run over the top. This will create a steam trap to help ease the congestion in your head.

  • After showering apply Thieves Chest Rub on chest and upper back and repeat often throughout the day. Also pop thieves cough drops/lozenges like they're candy.

  • After being outside immediately wash your hands to rid any lingering pollen. Take a q-tip with water and gently rub the inside of your nose out to remove pollen build up on your nose hairs. Then apply rose ointment to the inside of your nose to help with moisture.

  • NingXia Red... like 4-5 times a day and tons of water. You can't have too much of either when fighting it all off.

  • After showering, use the Netipot mentioned above. I also used it every time I sneezed to get any build up or junk out while it felt loosened up. I hadn't used this before and it's my new favorite thing.

  • Drink your medicine ball tea in rotation with ningxia and water! You can order it off the menu at Starbucks or make it at home following the recipe above.

  • Diffuse RC and Lavender every single time you're in a space. Or you can mix it up and do LLP - Lavender, Lemon, Peppermint. I prefer the first, personally.

  • Humidifier!! Get your spaces sticky and humid. Pump it up on full blast during your nights when sleeping, too.

Okay, I think that's it!! What else do you do to help combat sinus infections brought on from allergies?! 💛


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