Sunshine & Oils

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Did you know that several essential oils are considered “phototoxic”? That basically means that they react with UV rays (whether that’s from sunlight or artificial light, like you find in a tanning bed) and can cause adverse reactions with our skin. That could be a rash, blisters, or even permanent darkening wherever the oil was applied and exposed. Sometimes these effects can last for months. Um, no thanks.

Most of the oils on this list are in the citrus family, but there are a few others, and several blends that might not come immediately to mind. Young Living has labeled all of these oils very clearly, so please always check before applying to you or a loved one!

Does that mean you have to put your beloved grapefruit and bergamot away for the summer? No way! Just apply to areas that won’t be exposed to the sun for at least 24 hours (basically under your clothes). And of course, they are always safe to diffuse!


Angelica • Bergamot • Dill • Grapefruit • Lemon • Lemon Verbena • Lime • Orange • Tangerine Citrus Fresh • Jade Lemon • German Chamomile • Abundance • Awaken • Christmas Spirit Clarity • Deep Relief • DiGize • Dragon Time • Dream Catcher • Envision • Forgiveness • Gentle Baby • Grounding • Harmony • ImmuPower • Inner Child • Into the Future • Joy • Live with Passion • Longevity • Peace&Calming • Raven • SARA • Surrender • Stress Away • Thieves Trauma Life • White Angelica

I hope this is helpful to you when grabbing your oils and doing life everyday! xo


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