Post-Party Recovery Essentials
Young Living’s oils, products and supplements can help support us in many areas of life, including times when we indulge a bit too much and need a little extra help. And while we’re not encouraging over-indulgence, here are a few tips to help you feel a bit more functional on those days after you party a little too hard.
2-4oz NingXia Red
1 scoop AminoWise
2 drops Grapefruit Vitality
2 drops Copaiba Vitality
Lavender Lemonade or Grapefruit Bergamot Vitality Drops
8oz water or sparkling water
Crushed Ice
4 drops each Lavender + Jade Lemon + Peppermint
6 drops PanAway + 5 drops Lemon
5 drops each Peppermint, Eucalyptus
AlkaLime, AminoWise, Vitality Drops, Lemon Vitality
Add a scoop of AminoWise to your water, then add a drop of Lemon Vitality and squirt of Vitality Drops and sip throughout the day. Alternate between sipping water with AminoWise and Vitality Drops, water with Lemon Vitality and AlkaLime with or without Lemon Vitality.
Consider adding a second dose of NingXia Red to your routine.
Staying hydrated is key after overindulging, so make sure to drink plenty of filtered water!
M-Grain, Copaiba, Deep Relief, CBD Muscle Rub
Apply your essential oil(s) of choice over the temples, across the forehead and along the back of the neck, then layer CBD Muscle Rub on top for even more support.
Place a drop of Frankincense Vitality on your thumb and press into the roof of your mouth.
Place a few drops of Copaiba Vitality in an empty vegetable capsule with olive oil and take as desired.
Cool Mint CBD Drops
Many individuals choose to use the CBD Drops under the tongue for extra support. You can also use them topically.
Son of a Nutcracker Roller Blend
15 drops each PanAway, Copaiba, Peppermint, Lavender, Frankincense, M-Grain or any combination of the above. Fill with carrier. Apply to temples, across the forehead, and along the back of the neck liberally and frequently.
Five O’Clock Detox Bath
In a glass bowl, mix 1 cup of epsom salt, ½ cup fine grain Himalayan salt, 10 drops each Lavender, Copaiba, Frankincense, 5 drops each Peppermint, Idaho Blue Spruce. Option to add a dropperful of CBD Drops. Place under running water and allow to dissolve. Soak for 20 minutes or more as desired.
Save this post in your back pocket for the next time you need some recovery tips!